Our policy has always been to employ from within the local community – and wherever possible we have made every effort to do so.
Through the guidance and continued efforts of management at both our lodges and from the Maun base the necessary skills have been given to the staff to enable them to perform their duties at the level that our guests expect. The positive impact of having community members deriving direct benefits from tourism are already being felt as the local communities begin to realize the value of conserving the wildlife and environment. We have engaged with local schools and invite the children to the lodge to educate them on conservation and tourism as well as taking them into the national park to experience a ‘game-drive’ as our guests do. We also encourage village tours for our guests – these are authentic experiences which show our guests how the local people grow up and survive living amongst Africa’s wild animals and it also educates the local communities about other cultures as they have the opportunity to interact.
While we recognize there is still more that we can do, we do want to make sure that whatever we do is sustainable and has long term benefits. It is our firm belief that the conservation of these incredible wilderness areas will only succeed if the local communities see direct and identifiable benefits from the tourism industry and see a value in conservation.
Together with the local community and our guests we are working on a ‘greener’ future and less impact for this area.